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Do You have What it Takes to Reach Global Scale?



The Global Capability Score assessment provides a detailed analysis of how effectively your company is approaching international expansion, offering targeted recommendations to accelerate your growth. Whether your company already has a global presence or is just starting to expand internationally, this assessment will help you uncover your current gaps preventing you from reaching global scale.


How the Global Capability Score Assessment Works 

Complete Assessment

This detailed assessment, taken by your key leaders, uncovers areas of misalignment and highlighting risks and whether you have the right mindset to achieve global scale

1:1 Diagnostic Interviews

Your key executive stakeholders meet one-on-one with our team as we identify roadblocks and barriers, educating your leaders on best practices and methodologies

Deliver Strategic Report

Through a leadership team presentation and detailed report, you receive key recommendations,  helping you overcome challenges and take the best growth pathway

From Score

In a matter of days, you can go from struggling with global challenges to having a clear path to success. Your Global Capability Score highlights key risks and gaps, providing clear recommendations and clarity.

To "Growth Engine"

This assessment is more than just a score—it's a catalyst, enabling you to build the capabilities necessary to succeed at global scale; and giving you the blueprint that paves the way to get there.

What's in Your Global Capability Score Report?

  • A detailed assessment of your company’s capabilities across 10 key categories essential to achieving global scale
  • Breakdown of executive team alignment on crucial international expansion factors
  • Detailed recommendations to improve your company’s likelihood of finding product-market fit in global markets
  • Practical tools and strategies that bridges strategy and implementation

How do you compare to best-in-class companies?

Want a free sneak peek into your company’s gaps? Get your Global Capability Score with our rapid 10-question assessment. See how you rate against the world’s fastest-growing companies. →



How to get the most out of your score

  1. Take the Instant GCS Assessment
  2. Share the GCS with your colleagues to get their scores and measure alignment
  3. Schedule a call with the Global Class team to discuss how to improve your score

Client Case Studies

Learn how other top companies have benefitted from the Global Capability Score assessment.

From analysis paralysis to a pathway to global scale

Overcoming operational challenges to penetrate a growing internatio...

Frequently Asked Questions


Want a Deeper Company Assessment?

Learn about the in-depth Global Capability Score assessment - uncover risks and receive strategic recommendations, helping you overcome challenges. Get in touch to learn more.

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